Visitors Always Welcome
Punta Gorda Catholic Church on the island of Roatan celebrates mass every Sunday at 10:30 am.
All visitors are welcome to join the service.
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, the mass is celebrated in the local Garifuna language. All other masses are in Spanish.
Regardless of the language, you will enjoy the beautiful music and vibrant energy.
Genesis 11:1 Now the whole earth had one language and the same words.
Los Visitantes Siempre Son Bienvenidos
La Iglesia Católica Punta Gorda en la isla de Roatán celebra misa todos los domingos a las 10:30 am.
Todos los visitantes son bienvenidos a unirse al servicio.
El segundo domingo de cada mes se celebra la misa en el idioma local garífuna. Todas las demás misas son en español.
Independientemente del idioma, disfrutará de la hermosa música y la energía vibrante.

Punta Gorda Catholic Church is in the heart of the beautiful village of Punta Gorda on the island of Roatan. Located on the east end of the island, it has a much slower pace than the touristy spots on the west end.
With many great restaurants and cultural activities, you can spend a full day or a few hours appreciating the beauty of this amazing community.
Punta Gorda is the founding town of the Garifuna people. Los “Garifuna” are mixed-race of descendants. The Garifuna are a mix of people from West Africa, Carib Islands, and Central Africa.
A Helping Hand
Immaculate Heart of Mary in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, has graciously raised funds to help with the infrastructure needs at Punta Gorda Catholic Church. The funds will address electrical issues, plumbing in the priest’s bathroom, broken fans, a leaking roof, and more.
The people of Punta Gorda are very grateful for the kindness shown to their community.

Want to help?
If you have an interest in helping in some way, please send an email to pgcatholicchurch@pm.me